Prebanic & Jusufbasic-Goloman
Lawyers‘ Office Olodar Prebanic & Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman is a successor of the Lawyers’ Office Tkalcic-Dulic, Prebanic & Jusufbasic-Goloman, which was founded in 1994 by lawyer Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic (the Office).
Privatization, Acquisition & Investments - Expert Legal Guidance for Your Business
The Office, both independently and in cooperation with other international law firms, has been engaged in a number of privatization projects that included the companies from different industry sectors, as well as the most significant state-owned banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Office participated in the working group established by the Ministry of Finance of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to draft the privatization regulations related to the bank privatization process.
Furthermore, the Office provided legal advice to its international clients within numerous projects of acquisition of local companies and banks, i.e. acquisition of majority interest in such companies and banks.
The Office, also, provided many services related to the joint venture transactions of the local and foreign investors, as well as independent business transactions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The clients that we provided, or still are providing with these services are, inter alia, multinational companies, financial institutions, international airline companies, and other investors.
Among the most significant projects in the banking area were those related to the privatization of Privredna banka d.d. Sarajevo Group, Ljubljanska banka d.d. Sarajevo, Postanska banka d.d. Sarajevo, and the acquisition of the majority interest in Upi banka d.d. Sarajevo, Hercegovacka banka d.d. Mostar and Zepter banka d.d. Banja Luka.
In the area of commercial and service-related activities, the most significant projects are Telekom Srpske d.d. Banja Luka, Energopetrol d.d. Sarajevo, Tvornica cementa Kakanj d.d. Kakanj, Sarajevo osiguranje d.d. Sarajevo, Croatia osiguranje d.d. Zagreb.