Prebanic & Jusufbasic-Goloman
Lawyers‘ Office Olodar Prebanic & Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman is a successor of the Lawyers’ Office Tkalcic-Dulic, Prebanic & Jusufbasic-Goloman, which was founded in 1994 by lawyer Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic (the Office).
Transform Your Business with the Expertise of Our Corporate Lawyers – At PJG Law Office, We Provide Comprehensive Legal Services to Help You Achieve Your Goals
The Office actively participated in the Corporate Governance Project which was financially supported by USAID in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Project’s Working Group, composed of the representatives of different Bosnia and Herzegovina independent institutions, made proposals for some new legal frameworks in the area of corporate governance, which were eventually adopted within a regular legal procedure. The Office lawyers also took part in regional roundtables discussing this area of law.
Having such knowledge in this subject matter, the Office primarily focuses on the corporate law practice which makes a major area of its business. The clients that we advise and represent in the process of investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina remain our regular clients for whom we provide legal advice on all aspects of corporate law on a daily basis.