Lawyers’ office
Prebanic & Jusufbasic-Goloman
Lawyers‘ Office Olodar Prebanic & Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman is a successor of the Lawyers’ Office Tkalcic-Dulic, Prebanic & Jusufbasic-Goloman, which was founded in 1994 by lawyer Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic (the Office).
Expert Legal Representation Services for Companies - Achieve Favorable Outcomes with Our Law Office
The Office founder, Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic, prior to her engagement in the private legal practice, was a long-standing judge at the courts of different types and instances, with practice in civil, commercial and labor-related disputes.
Representing clients in court cases of this kind makes an important part of the Office’s business activities, however, our engagement in dispute resolution primarily relates to representation of interests of our regular clients and engagement in high-value commercial court cases.