Since 2005, engaged firstly as a lawyer’s trainee, and subsequently as an associate in the Lawyer’s Office Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic and Olodar Prebanic.
Since February 2009, registered in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bar Chamber, when she has become a partner in the Lawyers’ Office Olodar Prebanic and Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman.
Law School
Graduated from Law School at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Passed bar examination
- Born in Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Languages: English and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- Since 2005, engaged firstly as a lawyer’s trainee, and subsequently as an associate in the Lawyer’s Office Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic and Olodar Prebanic
- Since February 2009, registered in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bar Chamber, when she has become a partner in the Lawyers’ Office Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic, Olodar Prebanic and Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman.