Associated Lawyer


Since 2016, engaged as a Junior Associate in the Lawyer’s Office Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic, Olodar Prebanic and Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman.

Since 2019, engaged as a Senior Associate in the Lawyer’s Office Olodar Prebanic and Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman.

Since September 2022 registered in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bar Chamber, after which she has started working as lawyer in cooperation with Lawyers’ Office Olodar Prebanic and Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman.

Law School
Graduated from Law School at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Master of Laws
Completed postgraduate studies at the Law School of the University of Sarajevo in 2019 and obtained a Master of Laws degree.

Passed bar examination

Born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Languages: English and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian

Since 2016, engaged as a Junior Associate in the Lawyer’s Office Bojana Tkalcic-Dulic, Olodar Prebanic and Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman.

Since 2019, engaged as a Senior Associate in the Lawyer’s Office Olodar Prebanic and Arela Jusufbasic-Goloman.

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